Tvrđava Haj Nehaj is located a couple kilometers northwesat of Bar, near the town of Sutomore. It stands on the peak of the Sozin mountain, 180 meters above the city.

The first mentions of the fortress are dated 1552. Through the centuries it was held by Turks, Venecians and Montenegrins, so its architectural outlook is a blend of all three cultures. During the Turkish-Montenegrin war of 1877-1878 the fortress went back to Montenegro for good.

It's known that the fortress  could support 900 people if needed. The St. Dimitri's church, that back in the day contained two altars — Catholic and Orthodox — remains inside. In the eastern part of the fortress there's a former gunpowder storage facility.

Even though the fortress is abandoned and in a decrepit condition, fans of military architecture would still be interested to go there, especially since you can enjoy a picturesque view of Sutomore, Bar and the surrounding area from up top.